Home Website
(AI StoryBuilders.com)



How It Works

Story Database

  • Timelines
  • Locations
  • Characters
  • Chapters
  • Sections

Writing with AIStoryBuilders





AIStoryBuilders Documentation

AIStoryBuilders is a free desktop Open Source software program designed to allow you to:

 "Write your next novel faster and easier!"


  • Story Management - The software uses a proprietary database that organizes your story into Timelines, Locations, Location attributes (also tied to Timelines), and Characters and Character attributes (tied to Timelines). In addition each paragraph Section, in each Chapter is optionally associated with a Timeline, Location, and one or more Characters. This allows the AI to stay on track with the story and properly handle things like flashbacks that can confuse AI story building software that does not use this format.

  • AI Writing and Inspiration - To combat writer's block or creative challenges, the software is able to automatically continue your story or rewrite existing parts according to your instructions. This provides, ideas, or inspirational content to spark creativity and overcome writer's hurdles.

  • Fine-Tuned Models - Create content in your personal writing style using Fine-tuned models.

AIStoryBuilders Versions

  • Online Web Browser Version - Use AIStoryBuilders completely in your desktop web browser. All that is required is an OpenAI key or an Azure OpenAI key.

  • Microsoft Windows Desktop Version - Run AIStoryBuilders on your Windows machine by installing AIStoryBuilders from the Microsoft Windows Store.

 AI Text Generation / Anatomy Of A Prompt / Chapters / Characters / Details / Locations /

 Logs / Quick-Start / Sections / Settings / Story Database / Timelines / Writing Styles / Utility and FineTuning